
January 20, 2014

Upcycled Linky Party {35}

Maybe it's because we are three weeks into the new year and it's about time for all of our New Year's resolutions to begin slipping to the wayside that I'm attracted to the pencil pots that were linked up to last week's Upcycled Linky Party.  Where else shall we put all the pens and pencils that we are using to keep all those lists of things that we are supposed to be doing in the new year, right?

Buttons and Paint always brings us some fabulous DIY projects and this week was no different when she shows us how to make a super quick wooden pencil pot made from a large branch:

How about this version of a pencil pot that doesn't look at all like a pencil pot?  Reinvent and Upcycle shows us not only how to upcycle a mason jar into a fancy pencil pot but gives us a pretty way to keep our pens from getting lost!

This week's shop feature is super yummy!  Check out these sweet Starburst Headbands from La Alicia:

Now on to the Upcycled Linky Party #35.  Here's the run down on the rules:

1.  Feel free to link up no more than one upcycled tutorial that you created and one upcycled item from your shop each week.
2.  Please don't link up the same items or blog posts as in previous weeks, let's keep it fresh.
3.  Follow Love 2 Upcycle by email or Google connect.
4.  This is a party so socialize!  Visit at least one shared link and leave a meaningful comment or "favorite" it if it is an Etsy shop item.  It would be nice if you followed them as well, but it is not required.
5.  Please keep it family friendly and upcycled!  We reserve the right to remove any links that aren't appropriate.

Now show us whatcha got:


  1. Thank you so much! Thrilled to have my headbands featured! :)

  2. Thanks so much for featuring our Wood Pencil Pot! You're right about New Year being a great time for all kinds of stationery, ready for list making :) x
