
January 27, 2014

Upcycled Linky Party {36}

Welcome to another fabulously upcycled Monday.  Just in case you missed all the fantastic ways to store your pens/pencils in last week's Upcycled Linky Party, I thought I'd throw in one more this week.  Buttons and Paint is at it again with this fun little Capri Sun Pencil Pouch.  Check out the full DIY and make one of your own:

You've all seen those T-shirt quilts, right?  Well, I love this little spin on the concept by Vicky Meyers.  She's taken her hubbies old striped work shirts and created a pretty nifty little design for her quilt.  Be sure to click through to see the full quilt photos:

This week's shop feature comes to us from Little Vintage Chest.  This is such a sweet little print on old book pages.

Now on to the Upcycled Linky Party #36.  Here's the run down on the rules:

1.  Feel free to link up no more than one upcycled tutorial that you created and one upcycled item from your shop each week.
2.  Please don't link up the same items or blog posts as in previous weeks, let's keep it fresh.
3.  Follow Love 2 Upcycle by email or Google connect.
4.  This is a party so socialize!  Visit at least one shared link and leave a meaningful comment or "favorite" it if it is an Etsy shop item.  It would be nice if you followed them as well, but it is not required.
5.  Please keep it family friendly and upcycled!  We reserve the right to remove any links that aren't appropriate.

Now show us whatcha got:

This Week's Upcycled Linky Party is hosted by Tricia at Upcycled Stuff


  1. Very cool stuff! Love to see what people can upcycle!

  2. Wow, Tricia, thank you so much for featuring my shop! This is a huge and wonderful surprise!
    Dana, from

  3. Thanks so much for featuring our Capri Sun Case Tricia!! Love seeing what everyone has been upcycling as well! x
