
October 7, 2013

Upcycled Linky Party {25}

Why hello there, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Bouncy.  He is a snake, a simple snake, a upcycled snake.  If you've got an old phone cord or cellphone charger and a couple of corks laying around (I know I do) you too can create this fabulous toy for the little or guy or gal in your life.  And you have the Upcycled Linky Party #24 to thank for it so be sure to swing by our Our Children's Earth for the full tutorial.

And if not for this very party you wouldn't know that you could sew a real pressed Autumn leave onto some upcycled denim either.  Thank you to Gina's Craft Corner for this fabulous tutorial.

And don't forget to shop with the many upcycling artists on Etsy.  You can find some really fabulous, one-of-a-kind upcycled creations like this Recycled Sweater Jacket:

Now on to the Upcycled Linky Party #25.  Here's the run down on the rules:

1.  Feel free to link up no more than one upcycled tutorial that you created and one upcycled item from your shop each week.
2.  Please don't link up the same items or blog posts as in previous weeks, let's keep it fresh.
3.  Follow Love 2 Upcycle by email or Google connect.
4.  This is a party so socialize!  Visit at least one shared link and leave a meaningful comment or "favorite" it if it is an Etsy shop item.  It would be nice if you followed them as well, but it is not required.
5.  Please keep it family friendly and upcycled!  We reserve the right to remove any links that aren't appropriate.

Now, show us what ya got:

This week's Upcycled Linky Party is hosted by Tricia at Upcycled Stuff


  1. Hi - Just found your fantastic blog via Twitter. I'm adding a link to my repurposed spice rack. Now following you on FB, Twitter & here, of course.

    1. Welcome to the upcycling madness, Doreen. Glad to have you!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring our Snake and Recycled Sweater Jacket. These are always so fun to do!
