
September 27, 2013

#Follow Friday~ More Blogs 2 Love!

Here are a few Blogs 2 Love directly from our Upcycled Linky Parties!

From Jill Shepherd's blog~ 
Creating My Way To Success!

I have several nighties in my clothes upcycling stash and had an idea as to how they could best be upcycled.

The soft, silky fabric makes for beautiful little bags made using my Fabric Origami Bag tutorial:

Well, I have had an interesting week or two of sewing.  Besides this bag, I was also trying to make a dress for my daughter out of one of my husband's shirts.... BOMBED!  I've also been working on some little booties that were supposed to be so easy.  Thanks Martha Stewart!  They were pretty easy, but they looked so cheap.  I'm trying to improve on those and will hopefully write about them soon.

As far as this almost bombed.  I guess that should be expected when you're experimenting with new things.  For a while now I have been trying to figure out how I can combine my two loves, sewing and pressed flowers/leaves, into a bag.  Improvements need to be made with the concept, but I'm really happy with the end result.  I hope you like it too!

Blue Jean Fall Bag w/ Real Pressed Leaves

Adding Some Detail To Frames and Another Cute Planter Idea by Christine~ little BRAGS

 Hello Lovely's, today I want to show you how I dressed up 2 frames in our little boy's bathroom.


How to Make a Clothes Protector - Hanger Cover 

from a vintage Pillowcase from Cottage Creations~

How to Build an Indoor Swing~ from Sarah @

The swing is my personal favorite of the tree house project and I’ve got great news, it’s easy. Like my-mom-is-so-amazing-in-an-hour easy. Buying a swing is around 50 buckaroos. This baby cost be less than $10!  Follow the tutorial at this link.
indoor tree house swing

From Broken to Useful from All Things Alysha~

This wooden chair was left outside and started to fall apart. So I placed a flower pot in the broken bottom part and placed it in our front yard. We used to have a large bush there but the landscaping people needed to access the sprinklers so they cut it down leaving an eye sore of a stump. This broken chair/flower stand is a great way to hide something ugly and use something that would have gone to the dump. I'm planning on turning the broken top part into a trelis for climbing plants but that's for another day. . .

Check out some of our past Upcycled Linky Parties for more great Blogs 2 Love~ and please remember to follow and comment!


  1. Thank you for featuring my Blue Jean Bag!
    Gina @ Gina's Craft Corner

  2. Hi Cat, thanks so much for the link to my blog !!! Thrilled!!!! Christine from Little Brags

  3. Thanks so much for the features Cat! Love all the other ones too - I'm off to explore!

  4. Origami bags! How lovely and elegant looking.

  5. Thank you's and You're Welcome's all around! We love sharing the love for our readers and bloggers~ Let's keep the Upcycling movement going strong!
