
March 14, 2011

Monday's Makeover!

Where am I gonna put all this stuff?!

If you upcycle, you know the biggest issue is where to put all the stuff you save. Here are some great storage ideas that might help you find your way out of the mess!

Country Living has several ideas for organizing your space, here are a couple:

They also featured a fantastic DIY for turning a medicine cabinet and painting into the perfect hideaway storage area.

One of the most common pieces of advice from professional organizers is to minimize and maximize. Minimize the clutter by maximizing your available space. Categorize your supplies or inventory into manageable sections, then based on their size, find the container that suits most everything. Having all one size container, such as a shoebox size, makes it easier to stack them for storage. If you have mostly oversized items, maybe bins will work best. Tiny objects? Sectioned storage containers or mason jars might do the trick. One thing that helps is to use clear containers, making it easier to see what you have inside. It helps your budget if you get creative, a recent post by Sammi for our weekend DIY is a perfect example. You don't have to order high end custom cabinets or shelving to get organized, just think outside the box~ or maybe I should say 'inside' the box! Cottage Home Decorating lists dozens of creative storage solutions in their recent article.

Have some great solutions of your own? Leave a comment and share them with us!

Check back with us tomorrow for Tuesday's Treasuries!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean -- these are great organizational ideas :o)
