
June 10, 2013

Upcycled Linky Party {11}

It's party time again!  Did you guys catch this link up last week from Live Ready Now?  The post is filled with upcycled ideas for living off the grid.  I loved it!  Check out this oven made from a couple of old drums:

 And if it's a little organization you desire, you need to check out this denim pocket organizer from Vicky Meyer Creations:

And our, too cute, shop feature this week is this Fused Plastic Bag Wallet from TraashArt

Now on to the Upcycled Linky Party #11.  Here's the run down on the rules:

1.  Feel free to link up no more than one upcycled tutorial that you created and one upcycled item from your shop each week.
2.  Please don't link up the same items or blog posts as in previous weeks, let's keep it fresh.
3.  Follow Love 2 Upcycle by email or Google connect.
4.  This is a party so socialize!  Visit at least one shared link and leave a meaningful comment or "favorite" it if it is an Etsy shop item.  It would be nice if you followed them as well, but it is not required.
5.  Please keep it family friendly and upcycled!  We reserve the right to remove any links that aren't appropriate.

Now, show us what ya got:


  1. I loved the recycled drum and so many great ideas. I showed it my hubby to see if we could make some of the great ideas.

  2. I am going to share this with my hubby also...fantastic ideas! Such great tutorials from the the bird bath and recycled bag wallet.

  3. Look out Men, you're "honey do" list just got a little longer! :)

  4. Sorry I missed this weeks hop! I love the tshirt tugs!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you Tricia for featuring my TRAASH fusing plastic bag wallet!
