
June 3, 2013

Upcycled Linky Party {10}

Welcome back to the party!  I hope your Memorial Day was filled with lots of fun times with family and friends.  But now, we have our own fun to get back to.  Let's not dive into this tenth Upcycled Linky Party before we have a look back at all of the fabulous entries from Party #9!

Buttons and Paint showed us how she revamped a couple of her lamps to give them a bit of an upgrade.  Who needs to buy new with a perfectly custom made shade as this one?  Be sure to swing by her blog to see how she redesigned lamp #2.

And who doesn't love a good T-shirt upcycle?  TrashN2Tees is back at it with these fun and functional T-shirt trays.  She makes 'em look easy enough that I might even give it a shot!

And this week's shop feature is this upcycled leather wallet from Through the Doggy Door (I'm totally in love with the shop name, by the way).  I just love to see high quality materials upcycled rather than tossed!

Now on to the Upcycled Linky Party #10.  Here's the run down on the rules:

1.  Feel free to link up no more than one upcycled tutorial that you created and one upcycled item from your shop each week.
2.  Please don't link up the same items or blog posts as in previous weeks, let's keep it fresh.
3.  Follow Love 2 Upcycle by email or Google connect.
4.  This is a party so socialize!  Visit at least one shared link and leave a meaningful comment or "favorite" it if it is an Etsy shop item.  It would be nice if you followed them as well, but it is not required.
5.  Please keep it family friendly and upcycled!  We reserve the right to remove any links that aren't appropriate.

Now, show us what ya got:


  1. Amazing picks! They were some of my favorites from last party too! Planning on putting some buttons on an old lamp in my room now. ;)

    1. I sure hope you have that adorable lizard to go along with it!

  2. Thanks for the feature! You can always update ANYTHING by putting buttons on it!! xx

  3. Just got back from vacation.....looks like last week had some super cool items on it!!
