
December 15, 2012


Life sometimes throws us curve balls, a fast ball, walks us when we want to run, or strikes us down and out. But with persistence and fortitude, we hang in there and work hard to fulfill our dreams. They are so often cut short by tragedy, failure or despair, that when we do reach a milestone in our lives these days, it might be ever so much more important to stand up and take notice. Pat ourselves on the back, give each other a hug or just quietly say under our breath, “Thank you.”

So, although there has been such a tragedy this holiday, it must still be a time to count our blessings~ our joys are what keep us from drowning in sorrow.

This little post is a thank you to our devoted fans and members of Upcyclers. You’ve made us 2000 strong on Facebook, and over 2500 Etsy sellers have joined our team. Our blog has been viewed over 175,000 times and we have almost 800 followers as well. Each day we connect with hundreds, if not thousands, of people who care about promoting sustainability, handmade planet-friendly goods and a community of those who care about our Earth and its inhabitants.

For that we commit ourselves to doing our best in 2013 to further the upcycling movement by offering even more products, resources and consumer education to our fans and members. Even more importantly though, we will be looking towards promoting and participating in charitable and community projects, expanding our reach to include art education endeavors.

Thank you again for being there for us~ we have a wonderful and devoted group of people who have built a community. We look forward to welcoming many more in the coming year!

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