
July 15, 2012

Sustainable Sunday: Sunday Night

Twilight drops her curtain down, and pins it with a star. ~Lucy Maud Montgomery

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I am just getting back online after unplugging for the weekend. I enjoyed a weekend full of nature and my family, but couldn't start the week off without our usual Sustainable Sundays post!  After searching our team's weekly threads and social networking posts, I found a few shops upcycling into the night! ;)

Here are three creations for any warm summer evening!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thanks, Bee


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Sweet Lilac pajama party pants, Bee! They're indeed perfect for lounging around on the weekend as well as hanging out with the girlfriends on a mild summer evening.

    Glad to hear you made time to kick back with the family!

    Love that quote from Lucy Maud Montgomery. I'll lead with that when I post a link to this on my Facebook page.

  2. Ooops, forgot to leave the bread crumb:

  3. Thank you so much for including my coasters in this wonderful selection!!

  4. I love that quote. Made me feel good just reading it! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wonderful quote, Bee~one I've used myself on occasion, and perfect items to compliment it! Gotta love summer evenings...
