
June 23, 2012

Love 2 DIY on the Weekend~ Kickstarting a Kinkajou!

I just virtually met Patrick Lehoux~ an entrepreneur with an awesome product that he's trying to launch with Kickstarter. I was so excited about this because it would make upcycling glass bottles so much easier and I've been sitting here with cases of them just waiting to be upcycled! (Yeah, makes me sound like a bit of a lush, but seriously, I get them from friends and I have a lot of parties!) Anyway, Pat is working towards a $75,000 start up fund and has already surpassed $32,000! But he only has two weeks to go, so I'm proud to offer a hand to a project so worthy. I especially love his options for sponsoring at the $50 level because you get a Kinkajou when they start production!

So what's a Kinkajou? It's a "bottle cutter with a new twist" that basically evolved from Lego wheels and wood and now is a design that efficiently scores a bottle safely and neatly, making it ready for separation. Pat even describes his method for separating the bottle with a foolproof hot water method. He also is marketing a finishing kit with his bottle cutter, making this a complete DIY Kit! Here's a video that spells out the picture completely:

If you go to his page on Kickstarter, not only can you pledge to back his Kinkajou, one option even allows you to vote on the third production color! Standard colors will be black and white.

For those of you who haven't seen some of the amazing glassware that can be upcycled from bottles, Pat shows some examples on his Kickstarter page and here's a few examples from Upcyclers' member, Groovy Green Glass:

Beautiful, right? And eco-chic! They are also wonderful conversation pieces and as Pat mentions, a great way to keep a bottle(s) from a special occasion! Okay, so you're ready to buy one and start doing it yourself? Well, pass the word or sponsor Kinkajou yourself and let's get these on the market! Even if you don't think you'd want one, I know a lot of our Upcyclers who would, so help make our upcycling job easier and we'll help keep your landfills a little emptier.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Cat! I love suppporting Kickstarter projects, this one sounds really worthy.
