
May 2, 2012

Wasteless Wednesday: Slow Your Roll!

Okay, this week's post may not be for everyone~ some of you may be a bit queasy about some of these suggestions, but if you take into consideration the waste produced by these common problems, you might think twice!

Toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby diapers, baby wipes. 

The U.S. produces 160 million pounds of waste just from the 17 billion toilet paper tubes  manufactured annually! claims 40% of the waste in our landfills is paper products. Keep in mind most of the toilet paper we use goes to waste treatment facilities. So factor in our 17 billion rolls of toilet paper and the mind starts to reel. does an excellent job breaking down the materials found in baby diapers and argues the case for cloth diapers. Polyethylene, polyacrylate, wood pulp, fragrances, not too mention the packaging and inks, all eventually wind up in our landfills. Heather L. Sanders wrote her article in 2002 and back then we were using 18 billion disposable diapers. That figure is now estimated at 28 billion!

We could go on and on.

Perhaps now the following seven alternatives will seem more attractive.

Reusable Paper Towels~ Darling Discoveries

UnPaper Jumbo Everyday Napkins~ Love For Earth

Cloth Baby/Family Wipes~ Lover of Life Designs

Eco Potty Wipes~ EcoFamily777

Cloth Diaper Kit~ PoshDirect

Wool Soaker Diaper Cover~ Chickadee and Me

Cotton Handkerchiefs~ Whole World Bags

So, there you have it. Pretty products for not so pretty messes. You'll find them all on Etsy, as well as countless other handmade alternatives. Isn't it ironic that in our efforts to clean up our act, we're making an even bigger mess. Think about it.

Have a fantastic week~ and Remember to Waste Less!


  1. Thanks sooooo much for posting us on your AWESOME SITE!! Our mission for GREEN LIVING & Eco Thinking was fueled by the realization that we were drinking Toxic Waste in our Kool Aid growing up in our serene little country neighborhood. When Kraft Foods trys to get you believe that they are Ecoconscious think to yourself BS:) Here's our story....
    We have linked Long term exposure of Arsenic to Suicides as there were over 30 suicides within 3 miles of this illegal Toxic Waste Dump Site, my brother was one of them.

    1. You should be commended for turning a tragic occurence into a proactive mission for change! We wish you great success with your products and are proud to be promote your products!

  2. Thank you for featuring us as well! It is amazing how much waste we use even every week!

    Even just using one of these products will help SO MUCH. And then you can always work up to more. :-)
