
July 2, 2011

Love 2 DIY on the Weekend: A 5x5 Craft Project!

Antique Button Jewelry by BiblioBags~

This button jewelry DIY project is extremely easy and cheap to make, thus qualifying it as a 5 x 5 craft. If you have $5 and 5 minutes, you can make one of these easily! Now, obviously some of these things I already had, such as the E-6000. This project can still be quite affordable if you buy in bulk on Etsy or use coupons. For example, if you have a Hobby Lobby nearby, they have a 40% off coupon every other week. I was able to get 2 bails and a chain necklace for under $3. Also, the buttons don't have to be "antique" . . . there are lots of gorgeous buttons at your local craft store or maybe even at the bottom of your sewing box. You never know!

Last year at HodgePodge (a craft fair where I had a booth), I found a great booth filled with all sorts of antique goodies. My favorite haul I got from the booth was a handful of antique buttons: 4 for $7. I used the green one on a purse but the other three have been sitting in a drawer for months. I'm trying to make the buttons on my purses extra special and none of these buttons really "fit" with any of the purses I've made recently. Then, I got the idea to make jewelry out of them.

What you'll need~

 How it might look~

 Head over to my blog, BiblioBags, where every purse has a story, to see the step by step DIY instructions for this project and how to make a button ring as well! You can also find my unique book purses, jewelry and cards, inspired by the written word, in my Etsy shop~ BiblioBags. For the latest news about my creations, blog posts and promotions, like me on Facebook!

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