
June 8, 2011

Meet & Greet: Celtic Steam

Genevieve's creations have elements of a medieval Celtic style, a feel of our industrial past, and a neo-Victorian decadence.

In her Etsy shop you will find a little of everything, and it's all recycle and upcycled objects. She works with yarn, silverware, acrylic, glass, gems, fabric, paper and junk.

Pendant made from a teaspoon
I asked Genevieve a few question about herself and her shop here is what she had to say:

Tell us a little about yourself and what you sell.
I've been crafting something as long as I can remember. My mother taught me to sew, knit, and craft in general...I owe her a lot. I'm a historian by day, so lost arts fascinate me most. I'm a mother of two boys. One of them I raised by myself until a few years ago. When I was 18 I worked in a factory, did very little crafting. I came to the conclusion my life had to change. I went to college, started sewing again, all while raising my son on my own. I wanted him to see me being true to myself, I couldn't tell him to follow his dreams if I didn't do the same. Having my own shop has always been one of my dreams, so selling on etsy allows me to have an online shop in an easy and inexpensive way.

Hair pin fork made from an up cycled hanger 
What is your favorite thing about creating?
For me the creative process is something that I need in my life. When I don't make jewelry, I make hats. When I don't make hats I sew. When I don't sew I write. If I am not creative in some way I fall into a depression. It's how I balance the stress in my the end of the day I make something.

Broach made from a vintage table knife
Why did you decide to work with upcycled/recycled/repurposed/vintage materials?
There is a challenge in making something from old cast off items. When I'm done there is a patina of decadence and romance I think. There's also that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you save something from the land fill! I work with silverware because someone gave me a whole box of it. I'm working on a lot of fascinators because someone gave me a bag of ribbon. I'm about to start working with vinyl records, because they were given to me. People give me “junk” because they know I'll make something with it.

What is your favorite thing about running your etsy shop?
My favorite thing about having an etsy shop is being part of an online community of people that have the same thoughts and feelings about creativity. I love to see what other creative people do!

Fork ring with pearls and citrine

What inspires you to create/sell what you do?
My focus is always about using upcycled, sale, and donated stuff. For me there is a challenge in making beautiful things out of what you've got and what you can get.

Currently my sole online presence is at my etsy shop

Thanks Genevieve for sharing with us this week!

See you next week,
Everyday Inspired

1 comment:

  1. That fork ring is pretty cool! {hi Genevieve!}
