
May 6, 2011

Love 2 DIY on the Weekend: No More Business Cards!

I am experiencing my first blogger crush! Thanks to Upcyclers and way too many stalker-like tweets on my part, I've gotten to chit chat with Michelle at Aisle 3. I have my first festival/craft show in a couple of weeks and she has been sharing her insight. I fell in love with this idea and thought this was the perfect season to share it with you guys - in case YOU have a reason to be out marketing your shop or blog! Enjoy - and don't forget to become a follower when you link over to her blog! 

Do Shoppers Beg for Your Business Card?

I am loving this I don't know about you, but that's never the case with me.  As a shopper, I rarely pick up a business card.  And if I do, it usually ends up in the bottom of my bag because I either 1) never really know where to put it for a quick future reference, or 2) forget to ever look at it or for it again.

After working my butt off prepping for last week's event, I wanted to do something fun and easy with my left over crafty energy.  I came up with an idea to promote my Etsy shop to the weekend's shoppers without having to rely on them to pick up my business card. 

Find out how Michelle made these HERE!


  1. Love it! What a wonderful idea. Business cards do get lost, destroyed and stuffed behind 10 other business cards in the handbag. Great way to leave your mark. Gonna go follow your blog right now.

  2. You blogged me! Thanks! I'm glad you're crushing, haha <3

  3. these are so cute! what a genius idea!!!

  4. Wonderful idea, good for you. I've recently come up with an idea for my actual business card. Most women carry something in their purse to write on, at least that's what men think, lol I've decided to make thin little notepads with my business card on top serving as the cover. I think most women will definitely put that right inside their purse and next time they want to give out their number or email, out comes my little note pad and business card to remind them of my shop!

  5. This is such a cute idea! I love it!
