
February 4, 2011

Love 2 DIY on the Weekend: Literally!! from Additions Style

Plan the Perfect Evening Alone

Have an evening all to yourself? Why not turn it into the perfect evening alone.

All you will need:

Pajamas to cozy up in

Your favorite music

Your favorite drink - Take out the good glassware and enjoy your drink in style.

All your favorite junk food (guilt free)

Any movie you want to watch

Add these extras depending on what kind of evening you want:

Relaxed  - a fun and easy to read book.  Something you normally don't have time to read.

Reflective - use your journal and read things you have written in the past and write what inspires you now.

Party - dance around your room in you pajamas enjoying all your favorite music.

Chatty - Grab your phone and a headset and call all your friend and spend the evening gossiping.

This is your night, make it fun, loose, and relaxed. Remember its all about you!

Follow me on Additions Style, where you can be Everyday Inspired! 


1 comment:

  1. I'm doing this ASAP, with a combo relaxed/reflective option!
